Guiding children to learn, to love, and to live under the grace of God's forgiveness

Information About Tuition and Tuition Assistance

The yearly cost of tuition at Cross Lutheran School for is much lower than the actual cost of educating each child.  In fact, it is very affordable and a fantastic deal for a private education! How are we able to keep our tuition costs so low? The members of Cross Lutheran Church are very dedicated to the ministry of the school and generously support it.  Click here to see our tuition rates. 

There are many opportunities to decrease the already low cost of tuition!  

Cross Lutheran School is a participant in the Scrip program.  Scrip fundraising allows you to lower  your tuition costs just by using gift cards for your everyday shopping.  When you buy a Scrip card, a certain percentage gets paid to the school and is deducted from your family’s tuition.  Percentages range from 1%-20%, depending on the store.  There are over 700 stores that take part in the Scrip program, including department stores, restaurants, gas stations, clothing stores, and even local businesses. See a complete list here. The great part about this program is that you earn money toward your tuition simply by making everyday purchases. It doesn't cost you anything extra!  Since this is a nation-wide program, family and friends from across the country can take part in it and help earn money for your child’s tuition.  You can order Scrip cards online or through the school.  The school places Scrip orders every week.  Click here to learn more about the Scrip program.

Don’t let the cost of tuition be a reason not to enroll your children at Cross Lutheran School.  As you can see, there are many ways to make the cost extremely minimal.  Many families have paid for almost all, if not all, of their tuition through scholarships, fundraisers, and the Scrip program.

A dollar figure should not be the reason your child does not attend Cross Lutheran School.  Tuition assistance scholarships are available and easy to apply for!  Click here to download a scholarship application.

If you have any questions about tuition assistance, please email

Cross Lutheran School